Beware of Fear based preaching
As an NT believer, when you look at anyone else but Jesus, you'll find your spiritual life dropping. The more we get to the last days, the rapture, the more we will see all kinds of spirits working inside the church.
No church will be found as a perfect church because God will not allow a single church to get such a name or fame. There will be anointed Spirit-led saints in many churches who will guide people into the perfection of Christ (Colossians 1:28).
Many will preach Christ for their own lucre's sake (Titus 1:11). Binding people in many spiritual burdens using language that will be hard to discern without a Spirit-led walk for the believer. Many will be swayed by every wind of doctrine.
A brother shared - "In a Holy Communion meeting, a minister, before giving out wine said that if the wine spills, a terrible thing will happen to you. Right beside me, a new believer ended up spilling a drop of wine to the ground. He was so mortified that a terror filled his face. He reached out to me pointing at the drop on the ground. Immediately, God gave me the grace to comfort him and that nothing would happen if he stood by faith and did not let the fear torment him into a terrible situation."
Many preachers drive fear into weak believers with their words. Continually preaching fear-filled bindings can even distract a strong believer.
It becomes necessary that Jesus is our only standard. A close relationship with God is possible only by looking and living out the life Jesus called us to live. Which means, a personal and intentional prayer life and Bible study.
Dear elect, holy and beloved (Colossians 3:12), prepare yourself to meet Jesus. The time is near. Maranatha, Praise God, and Amen.