Your Tears aren’t a waste!
Hallelujah! What an assuring promise!! Let me also tell you - The One who has promised this is faithful to keep it until it has been fulfilled.
Dear friend, there is a God who cannot stay silent when a broken heart 💔 comes before Him. Who can understand the pain of a broken heart? Obviously no one, except the One who made it 🙂
For thus saith the high and lofty One that inhabiteth eternity, whose name is Holy; I dwell in the high and holy place, with him also that is of a contrite and humble spirit, to revive the spirit of the humble, and to revive the heart of the contrite ones. Isaiah 57:15
There is a great victory for those who shed tears while praying. Sowing with tears in God’s presence is like sowing a seed in the field. Weeping isn’t a sign of weakness and there is nothing to be shameful about it. The farmer has to toil a lot on the field before he begins sowing. Thereafter he reaps the fruits of his hard labour.
In the Scriptures we can find many who got answers for their prayers after they shed tears and prayed to God.
Hannah - 1 Samuel 1:10 - She was a barren woman. She had no children. She wanted a son and so she went to God’s presence and wept bitterly. God heard her and fulfilled her request - not with 1 child but 3 sons and 2 daughters. 1 Samuel 2:21.
Hezekiah - In 2 kings 20:1-3 we see about the prayer of Hezekiah. He was at the point of death and he was informed about it by the prophet. As soon as Hezekiah heard this, he turned towards the wall and began praying. God heard him and extended his lifetime to 15 more years.
David - In 1 Samuel 30:4,5 we can see the plight of David. The Amalekites came and robbed away everything he and his men had. The people went to the extent of even stoning David. In verse 6 David wept bitterly till he had strength no more. God heard him and in verse 18, he was restored of all that he lost.
Bartimaeus - In Mark 10:46 we see a blind man named Bartimaeus sitting and begging. He heard Jesus was going to pass that way. As soon as Jesus passed by he began to cry, Jesus, thou Son of David, have mercy on me. Jesus couldn’t go forward without fulfilling his request. Blind Bartimaeus was no more blind.
This poor man - In Psalms 34:6 we see a poor man crying out to God. According to that verse he was in great trouble and the only way he knew to convey his heart was to cry before God. His prayer was answered because the Lord heard him and delivered him from all his troubles.
No matter what situation you may be going through, remember the tears you shed aren’t going to go waste. There is nothing impossible that God can’t do for you. Hold on to Him and wait patiently till He answers you.
Be blessed 💕