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What Motivates You?

Who or what is your greatest motivation daily?

We are motivated by the things we love.

Are we familiar with 'love' as a motivation?

Yes, indeed! Some reasons common for most believers today are;

  • a promising career

  • earthly family (relationships)

  • temporary carnal joys (entertainment)

  • religion and rituals (Churchholic)

  • prove self to others

  • technology

How are we different from the worldly and nominal Christians?

God is love.

Jesus is God's love.

Jesus was the example of how to live on earth.


Jesus lived each day to do the will of God, and so did the apostles. When we reflect on Paul's sufferings (2 Corinthians 11:23-28), a heart that does not truly love Jesus will reject such a life.

Jesus was crucified, and the apostles and believers were persecuted for the glory of God. Is this the future you envision for yourself? A Spirit-led life lived for Jesus? If yes, Jesus is coming for you.

Passionate preachers, while encouraging youth, often say that the leaders believe in them (youth). It's not their belief that's important, but God's calling. The truth is that God has chosen you and entrusted you with the gospel to become a blessing for nations.

There are many voices in the wilderness. Listen to the One Shepherd. Open your Bible daily and seek the Holy Spirit to reveal His vision for your life. Your role, no one can play. It's uniquely crafted to be a blessing for your time on earth. Leave the legacy of Christ behind.

Maranatha, Praise God, and Amen.