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Train. Guard. Discipline.

A friend had a brain stroke because of excess work pressure. He has a doctorate in chemistry and was teaching in school when he got exhausted and fell.

Another girl went into depression and died, leaving a 5-year-old child behind.

People are dropping like a pack of cards around us. What's the need of the hour? An urgency for the word of God to spread before Jesus comes.

But can you spread the Word without spending quality time in Him?

I was told recently that a believer had so much work pressure that her parents would keep information from her to avoid getting overwhelmed. What's going on with believers? Why are we breaking down? Why is your job burdening you from living a vibrant Christian life? The very job believers are proud of has become a huge burden in their lives.

None of us can escape the tribulation if we give in to fears that torment. God can rescue anyone, but are you walking in His righteousness? (2 Peter 2:5-9).

When does anything in this world burden us more than we can handle? When we aren't keeping Jesus first in all matters. Those who keep Jesus first and still suffer are blessed because they are living a righteous life. But those who aren't, live in darkness.

Don't neglect your daily time with God. It's not for Him. It's for you. We cannot live without His presence. Prayer and Bible Meditation keep us refreshed and flush out the toxicity we go through daily at home, church, workplace, online, etc.

Train your spirit.

Guard your heart.

Discipline your body.

Jesus is coming soon. Praise God, and Amen.