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The Need For Praying In Tongues

The war against believers has increased, especially against those who share the word of God.

  • Division in families to stop family prayers.

  • False accusations against serious believers to tarnish their ministry.

  • Opposition of every kind possible is currently underway.

There is a desperate need to pray for the house of God. But how do we pray for others when facing evil opposition? Also, when there are so many matters to pray for?

1. Pray in tongues for yourself.

2. Fill in the Spirit and receive direction to pray for others.

First, you don't know what you need to pray for. It is for the day ahead. So the Spirit prays on your behalf (Romans 8:26,27).

Second, the Spirit of God prays according to the will of God when we pray in tongues.

Apostle Paul prayed in tongues more than all (1 Corinthians 14:18). He forbade people to - NOT stop speaking in tongues. Every Spirit-baptised believer needs to pray in tongues daily.

Third, we need more love than we can give. The Holy Spirit pours love into our hearts (Romans 5:5)

God's love is an alien concept for the sinful man. We never knew the love of God, nor do we fully understand it because it's too deep or high for us to comprehend His love.

We meet people in various stages of their spiritual life, and some do not know how to receive love. We need the power of God's love to work in us to reach out to those in the family or outside who are hard to love.

May God give us grace in the last days to be a rock of His love for His glory.

Maranatha, Praise God, and Amen.