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How To Grow Spiritually?

God does not force anyone to follow Him or love Him. God is love. He is who He is and will never change. God is perfect. Everything He has done, is doing, and will ever do will always be perfect.

What do you want as a believer? Seek His love or live your idea of love?

Every human needs God's love to live out His way of life and truth.

God's love produces Christ-like humility and lowliness of heart in us to fulfil His will through the Spirit of God.

Many start in the Spirit but end in the flesh (Galatians 3:1-3). As God blesses His children, Israel in the OT or NT spiritual Israel, they become self-sufficient and start doing things based on their ability and abundant material and financial capacity. This is a dangerous state of mind which will lead to many missing out on the rapture.

Rather than desiring spiritual growth by waiting in the Spirit, the church has become self-focused. Instead of learning to be an example, it's become about reputation and outward show - numbers, infrastructure, eloquence, and other tangible material and financial growth. A form of godliness but without power is now becoming the norm (2 Timothy 3:5).

Be it ministers or older believers, many have gotten comfortable in their earthly lifestyles. Few are willing to labour for Jesus. Most are too busy heaping up treasures that will corrupt (Matthew 6:19). The difference between the believer and the non-believer is almost negligible. What have we become?

The time is short. Understand and redeem the time. Seek the Holy Spirit to labour for Jesus so you and those watching you may be saved (1 Timothy 4:12-16).


  1. Pray. Be filled with the Spirit to receive counsel and strength to be fruitful.

  2. Meditate on God's word daily. The Bible is the only manual to learn about God's love and truth.

  3. Engage with fellowship (local church). They are the new family God has given for you to exercise His love.

  4. Hone your gifts and talents for the glory of God privately. Use your time meaningfully. Sing, play music, draw, preach, whenever God opens a way. Spiritually discern these opportunities.

  5. Remain humble and lowly hearted. Your life is no more about you. It's for the glory of God. There is no greater satisfaction than rejoicing in the Spirit and eating and drinking God's word. Then you will be a blessing at home, church, work or anywhere.

Maranatha Praise God, and Amen.