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First Love

Childhood memories of loved ones bring us joy. I recently met an older believer, after 25 years, who cared for me when I was seriously unwell. Her memories would often refresh me. Meeting her felt amazing. This time, I could reciprocate the love she showed me years ago. As a child, we only know how to take. We don't know how to show appreciation. But as we grow in Christ, we learn.

Jesus commands the Ephesus church to return to the first love. (Revelation 2:4)

The saints at Ephesus were serious believers. They kept their apostles in check. But in all their zeal for God, their love for God and His people diminished.

So, what is first love? It is the love for God and His people - the new family given to us in Christ.

The waxing cold of God's love has become one of the biggest problems plaguing the body of Christ.

Some ways to understand first love are;


(1 John 4:19)

We were in the darkness of sin and evil. We had never known love till God opened our eyes to Jesus. We learned about love from Jesus, who first loved us. Jesus is our true first love.


Our initial salvation, born-again experience, recreated us in Christ, spurring us towards Him in the first faith and first hope. We START IN THE SPIRIT as a new creation. He convicts us of sin, righteousness and judgment. We are revealed an eternal kingdom. (John 16:8-11)


Not only did we start in the Spirit, we grow in the Spirit. The baptism in the Holy Spirit helps us overcome the daily battle against fleshly natures. (Ephesians 3:14-19)


The Holy Spirit helps us to love like Jesus. What's a key feature of God's love? Forgiveness. Unless we don't learn to forgive like Jesus, we remain in a backslidden state.

Dear saints, we are blessed to receive this great love from Christ. Let us love in Deed, and in Truth (1 John 3:18). There is no love without truth and action. Redeem the time, live and love wisely. May God help us all and keep us in His first love.

Maranatha, Praise God, and Amen.