All Good Is God’s Grace

My cab drives sometimes bring out life insights that help me realise God’s amazing grace. Chatty drivers often open up conversations on life that help me slowly veer the narrative to God-based living. Recently, a cab conversation got me talking about how gracious God is, how He knows what's best for man and how suffering tones us down. The cab driver began to share a story.

One day, cops came to his house asking for him. He was out driving. His wife gave him his number for them to call him. The cops asked him to come over to the police station. He asked them why. But they responded that he would be told at the station. Immediately on his way to the station, he called a high official he knew, who called a lawyer, who called the police chief.

The official and the lawyer told the cabbie not to worry and that they would check with the CoP. He reached the station, and the police accused him of 4 murders they claimed he committed 10 years ago. He was shocked. By that time, the CoP came and checked the details. He found some errors and told the police to forget the case. It was a false case. The driver heaved a sigh of relief.

The world we live in can spring surprises that can jolt us hard. The driver thanked God for saving his life.

Only God could have saved him. God brought us into the knowledge of His exceeding, abundant grace. He protects us from harm and danger before it even happens to us. Such cases above are common today.

Many innocents get falsely accused. A man spent 36 years in prison for a crime he did not commit. In the end, he met God in prison. DNA analysis revealed he wasn't the rapist. He forgave his accusers. Today, he lives to glorify Jesus.

What will it take for you to live for Jesus? To desire Him alone, to be the light God has called you to be? Dear beloved of God, stop and examine how you spend your time daily. Is work pressure too hard to bear? Are your earthly problems keeping you from living out God's glory? Call. He will pull you out of the darkness you are in. The time is short.

Maranatha, Praise God, and Amen.


You are good enough, because God is good


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