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7 Effective Ways Of Prayer

The spirit of religion and new-age spirituality is rising. More confusion and lies persist. The world is not getting any better. Tall promises by leaders across areas are leading to nothing. Only more control and manipulation are evident.

The only way to break through the clutter is through prayer. So many of us believers underestimate prayer and praise. All the great victories in the Bible came from trusting God in prayer and praise.

One hundred twenty believers prayed in one accord on the day of Pentecost. People of 15 languages heard the gospel in their tongues and got saved.

Consider these seven ways to pray.

  1. One accord (Acts 2:1)

  2. Continually (Acts 2:42)

  3. Earnestly (James 5:17)

  4. Without ceasing ( Acts 12:5)

  5. With faith (James 5:15) (Jude 20)

  6. Loudly or wholeheartedly (Hebrews 5:7)

  7. Strong tears

A sincere prayer draws God to hear and answer us. Praying to God allows the Holy Spirit to heal and prepare us for the future.

God is serious about you, dear young believer. He wants to hear from you. Time is running out. Call Jesus. He will listen to you.

Maranatha, Praise God, and Amen.